

英国短毛猫 英文



The British Shorthair cat, also known as the English Shorthair, is a popular breed of domestic cat known for its round face, dense coat, and sturdy build. Originating in the United Kingdom, this breed has gained recognition and popularity worldwide for its charming appearance and friendly nature.


The British Shorthair is a medium to large-sized cat with a muscular and compact body. Its most distinctive feature is its round face, which is adorned with large round eyes, giving it an endearing and sweet expression. The breed has a broad chest and strong legs, making it well-balanced and robust.

The British Shorthair's coat is dense and plush, providing it with excellent insulation. It comes in various colors and patterns, including solid colors, tabby, tortoiseshell, and colorpoint. The most recognizable color is the "British Blue," which is a solid blue-gray coat.


The British Shorthair is known for its calm and easygoing nature. It is a gentle and affectionate breed that enjoys the company of its human family members. While not overly demanding, it appreciates attention and will often follow its owners around the house. This breed is not particularly vocal and is generally quiet and well-mannered.

英国短毛猫 英文 -第1张-狗狗百科-宝佳网

British Shorthairs are generally good with children and other pets, making them an excellent choice for families. They are known for their patience and tolerance, which makes them suitable for households with active children or other animals.


The British Shorthair's origins can be traced back to the domestic cats of Rome, which were brought to Britain by the Romans. Over time, these cats interbred with the local feline population, resulting in the development of a sturdy and robust breed.

During the late 19th century, British cat enthusiasts began selectively breeding these cats to maintain and enhance their desirable traits. They aimed to create a breed that resembled the British wildcat, with its strong physique and dense coat. Their efforts paid off, and the breed gained recognition and popularity.

After World War II, the British Shorthair faced a decline in numbers due to the devastation caused by the war. To prevent the breed's extinction, breeders began crossing British Shorthairs with other breeds, such as Persians. This crossbreeding helped in revitalizing the breed and introducing new coat colors and patterns.


The British Shorthair's dense coat requires regular grooming to maintain its health and appearance. Brushing the cat's coat at least once a week helps remove loose hair and prevents matting. Additionally, regular dental care, such as brushing the teeth, is essential to prevent dental issues.

Providing a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for the cat's overall well-being. Obesity can be a concern for this breed, so it's important to monitor their food intake and engage them in regular exercise to keep them at a healthy weight.

Regular veterinary check-ups are recommended to ensure the cat's health and to address any potential medical issues promptly.


The British Shorthair is a delightful breed known for its round face, dense coat, and friendly nature. Originating in the United Kingdom, this breed has captivated cat lovers worldwide with its charming appearance and easygoing temperament. Whether as a companion for individuals or families, the British Shorthair is a wonderful addition to any home.